See Through the Bull: Track Private Business Activity Like Never Before with Alternative Data

Alternative Data Use Cases for Private Equity Investors

Bridge the Information Gap for Late-Stage Investments with Alternative Data

Savvy private equity investors use Thinknum's alternative data to bridge the information gap between public and private markets. Read on to learn how investors in private markets leverage alternative data for actionable insights.

Job Listings

Compare Job Listings at Web Design Rivals

Hiring can be a valuable leading indicator of future corporate performance. View the number of open job listings at various web design rivals in real-time, for example. Filter to gain in-depth competitive insights into specific market, location, and job categories.

Hiring at no-code web design SaaS companies has soared over the last 2 years. Job listings at Figma are up by 261%, followed by Webflow at 153% and Pantheon at 122.7%.

Store Locations

Visualize Store Locations in the F&B Industry

Our Store Locations dataset allows users to compare brick-and-mortar locations across companies in a user-friendly map - a powerful tool to close the information gap between private and public companies.

View boutique coffee chains in Los Angeles to understand where competitors are fighting for market dominance.

Product Pricing

Track Product Pricing at Cannabis Startups

View and compare thousands of retailers’ pricing trends. Track changes in the number of discounted items, as well as their percentage discount, daily. Use retailer-listed products and discount prices to gain insights on companies’ pricing strategies

Weed had a good pandemic: average prices at, an on-demand cannabis delivery company, are up by 30.75% year-on-year.

Real-Time Web Traffic

Compare Web Traffic for Logistics Solution Providers

Track the number of visitors for specific online channels and websites. Identify topics and products that capture users’ interest. Access historical web traffic data - including monthly pageviews, monthly unique visitors and average page views per user - to see who is winning the war for eyeballs in a given industry.

Web traffic to ShipHero, a logistics solution provider, has surged by 386.8% in the last six months alone - and opened a clear gap versus competitors.

Product Reviews

Analyze Product Reviews for Skincare Brands

Retail brands are increasingly disrupting traditional business models by focusing on direct communication with customers. Customer feedback reflects not only product quality, but also how brands position themselves and deliver goods and services to their customers.

The number of product reviews at, the DTC digital-first beauty company, has increased by 115% year-on-year. Average product ratings have improved by 4.3%.

Employee Sentiment

Track Employee Reviews and CEO Ratings at Fitness Companies

View quantitative and qualitative employee reviews for insights on a company’s management strategy. Read each review down to the text, by job position and location, for granular detail. Or use our word cloud tool to reveal trends and patterns.

Impasse? Over the past year, CEO ratings have improved by +43.5% at Classpass - but dropped by -30.2% at Gympass.

Social Media Engagement

Leverage Social Media Traction at Drone Delivery Companies

Track real-time engagement across major social media outlets including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for insights on specific companies or brands. Twitter ‘Followers’, for example, measure popularity and are a good indicator of shifting tastes and market movements.

Commercial drone delivery companies have taken off in recent years - and their Twitter accounts have proven popular, too. The chart displays the month-over-month growth in ‘Followers’ for 3 of the biggest players.

Screener: Identify Fast-Growing Targets

Find High-Growth Companies Using Customized Metrics

Use Thinknum’s ‘Screener’ feature to combine multiple data sources and identify fast growing companies. Our user-friendly UI lets you compare metrics including:

- Headcount Total

- funding raised

- Job listings

- Employee sentiment changes

- Social media traction

Our screener tool allows investors to view multiple data source in a single report, including funding information, industry & business data, and key alternative growth metrics.